The past few months have brought so many changes to our day to day routines, and with the majority of us working from home at the moment we thought it would be a great time to share our tips for creating the perfect at home workspace

How to create a Home Workspace

The first step to creating an at home workspace is to find a quiet space that best suits your needs. If you have a lot of calls during the workday try to set up your desk far away from the common space where you are less likely to be disturbed. Or, if you would prefer a nice view then position yourself facing a window. Make sure to consider what environments you work best in when planning an at home office space.

Once you have determined where to work you’ll need to decide what sort of desk to get. You want to create a workspace that looks and feels professional, so when selecting a desk make sure that it aligns with the design scheme of the space while also meeting your day to day needs. For example, if you need your files handy then get a desk with lots of drawers. Or, if you like to spread out while you work a large table might suit you best. Choose a desk that aligns with how you work in order to get the most out of your work week, regardless of where you are.

Finally, finish the space with an interesting desk lamp or chair. You can have a little more fun selecting these items and incorporate colors and patterns that coordinate well with the existing design scheme of the space to tie the room together. For example, have your chair cushion upholstered in a fabric that matches the window treatments or add a rattan table lamp to give the space texture. This will make the space feel finished and create a beautiful, serene space for you to work, despite being at home.